Poster/E-Poster Presentations
- Poster/E-poster presenters are required to submit their abstract online or by email in order to submit for the review and acceptance by the scientific committee.
- Only subject related abstracts & associated posters/e-posters which are submitted will be displayed on the website before the conference.
- The abstract should include complete details (e.g., abstract title, name, affiliation, abstract and biography, etc) Sample abstract template
- If the registered author/poster presenter is unable to participate in the conference then he/she may send a substitute who can be a co-author (or) any member from the same institution.
- All poster presenters have to register before the registration date closes.
- The list of e-poster presenters will be provided in the final agenda two days before the conference.
- Each of the accepted abstracts will be published in the post-conference proceedings to give digital recognition across the research field.
- Each Poster/E-Poster presenter will be given 5 minutes time to explain each section of their poster on the conference day.
- PDF/TIFF/JPG/PNG files of the poster/e-poster are preferred which need to be submitted online or submit to conference email or [email protected] so that it will be made available in the website after the conference.
Poster/E-Poster Guidelines
- Each poster should be submitted in 1080 pixel jpeg, PPT slide & PDF or MP4 Video.
- Font should be in Times New Roman /Arial
- The title and the author’s information should be clearly visible in the header in bold font.
- The text should be readable even when it zoomed in to the full screen.
- Present picture-numerical data in the form of graphs, rather than tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, keep it simple.
- Use bright colors to enhance the poster/presenter details.
- Organize your poster into subdivisions i.e. Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement, and Literature Cited (avoid using too many citations).
- Avoid acronyms and extensive mathematical notations as much as possible.
- Avoid submitting compactly packed, high word-count in the poster.
University of South Carolina School of Medicine in Greenville, South Carolina.
PhD student in Jean-Yves Masson’s laboratory Québec, CA
Research Associate, Harvard University
Post-Doctoral Researcher at Jean-Yves Masson’s laboratory,
Laval University Research Center, Canada
Post-Doctoral Researcher at the CHU de Québec
Lourdes University, Ohio, USA
Master of Science Student, Brandon University, Canada
M2 Medical Student, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Greenville, SC
University of South Carolina School of Medicine - Greenville, USA
Beirut Arab University, Lebanon
Instituto Alexander Fleming (IAF), Buenos Aires, Argentina
El Camino Health, San Francisco Bay Area
Atilim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing, Turkey
Atilim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing, Turkey
Lecturer Faculty of Nursing, Department of Midwifery Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
PhD Candidate: Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea (2016-Present)
Clinical Nurse Educator in the United Arab Emirates
Mekelle University, College of Health Sciences, Mekelle, Ethiopia
Faculty of Nursing, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Ministry of Healthcare, Bahia, Brazil
Atilim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing, Turkey