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Nursing Practice & Healthcare 2021 Virtual (Oct 7-8, 2021)
Participation Type (Reflects in Certificate)
Student Speaker E-Poster Presenter General Participant Business Delegate Exhibitor Sponsor
Title of Presentation (Reflects in certificate)
Do you require CE certificate? (Applicable to participants)
Yes No Not sure
Which speaker’s topic was most relevant to you during this conference? Dr. Donna Hedges, PhD, MSN, MBA, CNE Dr. Cynthia Clark, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN Dr. Jihan Mahmoud PhD, RN Dr. Jose Arnold Tariga, PhD, MSN, MN, RN, CPHQ, CNE Ms.Nadja El Fertasi Dr. Deborah M Leveille, PhD, RN, CNL Ms. Pramila Thapa Dr. Anita Girard, DNP, RN, CPHQ, NEA-BC Dr. Chris Tarver, DNP, RN, CNS, NEA-BC Dr. Robyn Nelson, PhD, MS, RN Dr. Sharon Goldfarb, DNP, MSN, RN, FNP, BC Dr. Myo Nyein Aung, PhD, MBBS, MSc. Ms. Lizzy Williamson
How would you rate the usefulness of the presentations?
Very useful Somewhat useful Not Sure Non relevant
1. Did the presentation on “Complex Systems: Helping Our Students Survive and Thrive in HealthCare Organizations” by Dr. Donna Hedges engage your attention?
2. How did the presentation on “Civility Rising! Strategies to Foster Healthy Work Environments and Cultures of Belonging” by Dr. Cynthia Clark influence your perception on Civility?
3. How much did you benefit from the presentation on “The Relationships of Coping, Negative Thinking, Life Satisfaction, Social Support, and Demographics with Anxiety of Young Adult College Students” by Dr. Jihan Mahmoud?
4. Did the presentation on “Crossing the Clinical Education Chasm: Facilitating Clinical Nursing Education in the New Normal” by Dr. Jose Arnold Tariga met your expectations?
5. Was the presentation on “Building Emotional Firewalls and Minimize the Pain of Digital Disruption in the Nursing Practice” by Ms.Nadja El Fertasi beneficial?
6. How much did you benefit from the presentation on “Improving Outcomes With an Integrative Curriculum Structure & Innovative Teaching Strategies” by Dr. Deborah M Leveille?
7. How useful did you find the presentation on “Emotional Intelligence of nurse managers and Transformational leadership in a sustainable workplace.” by Ms. Pramila Thapa?
8. How did you find the content of the presentation on “Extreme Leadership: A Necessary Skill for the Next Normal” by Dr. Anita Girard?
9. What is your feedback on the presentation on “Don’t Cancel Yourself: Self-Care for Nurses at all Levels” by Dr. Chris Tarver?
10. How useful did you find the presentation on “Innovations in Nursing Education” by Dr. Robyn Nelson?
11. What is your feedback on the presentation on "Social Mission: Pathway to Health Equity" by Dr. Sharon Goldfarb?
12. How much did you learn from the presentation on “Empowering Families and Integrating Communities for the Care of Older People in Thailand:The Result of Cluster Randamized Controlled Trial” by Dr. Myo Nyein Aung?
13. How did you find the content of the presentation on “Wellness Microbreaks to boost your physical and mental wellbeing at work” by Ms. Lizzy Williamson?
What, if anything, did you dislike in the conference?
Please share your thoughts on the event overall.
What topics would you like to see presented at our next in-person conference in April 11-12, 2022?
Any suggestion of the speakers suitable on the topics you suggested to be included in the future conferences.
If you would like to provide a testimonial quote to be mentioned in our upcoming in person conference in April 11-12, 2022.
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