Alexander M.M. Eggermont, MD,PhD, Paris-Saclay University, Paris, France
Professor at Paris-Saclay University, Paris, France
About Alexander M.M. Eggermont
Alexander M.M. Eggermont, MD,PhD
Chief Scientific Officer Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, the Netherlands Full Professor of Oncology Classe Exceptionnelle, Paris-Saclay University, Paris, France Coordinator Comprehensive Cancer Center Program Deutsche KrebsHilfe, Germany Strategic Advisor @ DKFZ-NCT for the Multisite NCT program, Germany
(Past) Professional Positions: Director General of Gustave Roussy Comprehensive Cancer Center, Villejuif, France, (2010-2019). Full Professor of Surgical Oncology (2003-2016), Endowed Professor of International Networking in Cancer Research (2011-2018) at Erasmus University MC Rotterdam.. PhD in tumor immunology at Erasmus University Rotterdam (1987) and Fellow of the NIH-NCI (Surgery Branch, Steve Rosenberg) (1985-86).
Professional awards (selection): Joseph Maisin Chair in Oncology at Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium (2001); ASCO Statemans Award (2010); Michiel Van Vloten Award of the Dutch Surgical Society (2016); John Wayne Award of Clinical Research of SSO (2018); Doctorate Honoris Causa (University Essen, Germany) (2018); Honorary Chair KAZIOR (Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiotherapy)(2019); Deutsche Krebshilfe Cancer Award (2020)
Specialties & Scientific Output: Clinical: immunotherapy, melanoma, sarcoma, general drug development, regional Tx. Basic/Translational: tumor immunology, animal models and tumor patho-physiology. Scientific Output: >900 publications; 36 PhD theses from research programs @ ErasmusMC: H-index/citations: 100, >46000 citations (Web of Science), HI:102, >48000 (Scopus); HI:110, >56000 (Research Gate); HI:121, >70000 citations (Google Scholar)
International (current & past) scientific societal positions
- Past President European Academy of Cancer Sciences (2010-2019)
- Past President Cancer Core Europe (2014-2019) (Gustave Roussy – Cambridge Cancer Center – NKI Amsterdam- Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology- Istituto Nazionale Tumori de Milano- Karolinska Institutet – DKFZ / NCT)
- ECCO: Past President of ECCO (the European CanCer Organization)
- EORTC: Past President of EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer) past Chairman of the Melanoma Group
- ASCO: Past Member Board of Directors of ASCO (Surgery Chair) and JCO Editorial Board
- AACR: Past Deputy Editor of Clinical Cancer Research (2001-2009)
- Deutsche Krebshilfe: President International Jury for Comprehensive Cancer Centres Program
- ESMO: Executive Board: 2014-2018
- CRUK: Board of Trustees/Strategic Research Committee (2016-2020)
- DFG Wissenschaftsrat, Germany: since 2017
- European Journal of Cancer: Editor-in-Chief since 01-01-2011
Societal Awards
- Légion d’Honneur, France (2015)
- Presidential Medal, Kazakhstan (2014)