Maria O'Rourke, PhD, RN, FAAN
President & CEO, Maria W. O'Rourke & Associates, LLC, USA
About Maria O’Rourke, PhD, RN, FAAN
Maria O’Rourke, PhD, RN, FAAN
The O’Rourke Institute for Advancement of Professional Practice (OIAPP ®) was established in 1995 with a small group of iconic thought leaders in nursing with Dr O’Rourke as the driving force. Through OIAPP ®, professional role clarity and support for a professional practice approach to care was propelled to counter the business- led introduction of a task-based practice model that undermined professional practice and the professional role of the RN. Dr O’Rourke isrenowned for her pioneering, seminal work on role clarity. Her work defining nursing as a professional practice discipline impacted the legislative arena where she was instrumental in rewriting the California Nursing Practice Act in 1974.
Dr. O’Rourke has published and presented extensively at regional and national venues. Over the past four decades, her body of work in the field has culminated in the creation of Role-Driven Practice™ (RDP), a theoretically grounded professional practice model. Implemented in hospitals nationwide, Role-Driven Practice™ acts as a foundation for improving performance and practice outcomes, accelerating the development of professional role competence and accountability, ensuring interprofessional leadership, establishing role driven therapeutic and collegial communication patterns within the interdisciplinary healthcare team, and for ensuring appropriate role relationships among professional, technical and assistive roles.
Dr. O’Rourke has held many key leadership positions including Clinical Nurse Specialist, Director of Staff Development and Research, Chief Nurse Executive, CEO, Healthcare Consultant and Chief Strategy Officer. Throughout her career she has led numerous patient safety and quality care initiatives helping organizations connect professional role competence to error/risk reduction, patient safety, and improved outcomes. With roots in nursing, her work transcends the discipline and serves as a foundation for interprofessional leadership. Based on her commitment to role based professional practice and her extensive work in this field, she has garnered several honors and awards, including the most recent one in 2010, the Jane Norbeck Distinguished Alumni Award from the UCSF School of Nursing.
Dr O’Rourke is currently a nurse scientist- nurse theorist in the Office of Research, Patient Care Services (ORPCS)at Stanford Health Care
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