Nancy E. Mestler Loos, PhD, RN, PHN, NE-BC
Adjunct Faculty at Azusa Pacific University
About Nancy E. Mestler Loos, PhD, RN, PHN, NE-BC
Dr. Nancy Loos is a Registered Nurse who has worked in a variety of settings in her over 40- year professional career. Her clinical background encompasses most aspects of the critical care arena. Since leaving the bedside, she has been a director, administrator, consultant, educator, editor, faculty, writer, speaker, and researcher with her most recent clinical experience as a Quality and Patient Safety Program Manager. She is now working in academia as an adjunct faculty at Azusa Pacific University in the School of Nursing’s MSN program and has her own consulting practice providing data analysis for focus groups related to the nursing workforce.
Nancy is a member of multiple professional organizations and several boards (including Dr. Maria O’Rourke’s Institute for the Advancement of Professional Practice [OIAPP]), is recent past chair of the Association of California Nurse Leaders’ Research Committee, serves as a peer reviewer for several professional journals, is involved in various research projects, and is a Nurse Scientist on the Common Spirit Health Institutional Review Board. She is passionate about professional role clarity, quality nurse/patient relationships, safe patient care, improving communication skills to enhance the patient experience (the focus of her doctoral work), networking, and good documentation! A book chapter she co-wrote with Dr. Maria O’Rourke entitled Professional Role-Driven Leadership Impact on Operations was just released in July 2023 as part of the book: Mentoring in Nursing through Narrative Stories Across the World. She has just completed a chapter of a book on implementation of theorist Imogene King’s work, to be published in early 2025.
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