Robyn Nelson, PhD, MS, RN
Emeritus Professor of Nursing, CSU Sacramento, USA
About Robyn Nelson, PhD, MS, RN | Emeritus Professor of Nursing, CSU Sacramento, USA
Dr. Robyn Nelson Emeritus Professor, CSU Sacramento. She provides nursing leadership in conjunction with the campus nursing team for the five WCU campuses in three states (CA, FL, TX), comprised of over 6200 clinical nursing students in the BSN program, 144 full time faculty, and over 725 adjunct faculty. She has taught at the BS, MS and doctoral level at several educational institutions including California State University, Sacramento, part of the respected California State University system, where she served as Chair of the Division of Nursing before accepting a role as the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services at Touro University in Nevada. As Dean at Touro University, Nelson was responsible for leading the Schools of Education, Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. Nelson is a site visitor for the regional accreditor WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), and for the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). She has over 25 years’ experience teaching NCLEX review classes, is co-author of Davis’s “NCLEX-RN Success” (3rd edition) and has served as a curriculum consultant to eight universities in several states. Nelson serves as the education board member for the ANA California, board member for the CA Association of Colleges of Nursing, Chair of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Faculty Development Conference, and faculty consultant to the CA Nursing Students Association. Nelson earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Loma Linda University, her Master of Science in Nursing from Boston University, and her PhD in Nursing Administration from the University of California at San Francisco. When describing her view of leadership, Nelson remarked, Currently working as the Dean of Nursing, CNI College, USA. “Life is full of challenges and opportunities rather than threats and harm. If we support our colleagues and the students who trust us with their futures, those challenges and opportunities consistently bring great success.”
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